Verbinden Sie Rentabilität mit Nachhaltigkeit

We help turn good intentions into great results by making it much more profitable to do the "right thing".

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Our Products

It's all about change for the better

We Make Good Strategy Happen

We’ll help you execute your strategy, find time for your true priorities and swiftly turn your good intentions into great results.

Our Clients Make More Money

If it’s not profitable, it’s simply not sustainable.
Everything we do generates value in a massively motivating way, so that the CFO gets to smile too.

We Share Success

Watch our YouTube films and listen to our podcasts to hear stories about  our clients' great results, new eco-tech and people-centric practices.

It all starts with finding right Progress Factors...

Set the course for your desired destination:
We have supported pretty much every kind of business change and are ready to make your next transformation a rewarding experience.
North Star workshops help leadership teams align their aspirations before commiting to change. Let's identify which Progres Factors will secure your success, so that your entire company sets off in the same direction.

Find Out How
Simon T
“We need to identify the most important things and then that will drive the business forward!”

We are trusted by some of the World's best-known brands

Since 2012, countless organisations and thousands of individuals have unlocked their true potential and discovered success is not just rewarding, but also can be achieved much easier than expected.

If you think of the cost of running such a large organisation – if you can speed up decisions or make sure just 10% of the teams are more focussed on doing the right things, then it’s clear the ROI is pretty immediate.

Alessandro Petazzi

Board Member TUI

When you bring the teams together 
you realise how many of us were thinking the same thing and you wonder “why did we never talk about it?



The difficulty is that we have so many other things to do. Win With OKR has helped us to free up more time and keep focussed, which has been very valuable.



‍We are seeing that the Win With™ outcome mindset is also now affecting our management performance reviews, which is great!

Peter Uhlwahn

CEO TUI Musement

Finden Sie das richtige Format für Ihren nachhaltigen Erfolg

Progress Factors hilft Teams dabei, transformative Veränderungen zu meistern, ihre wichtigsten strategischen Ziele konsequent zu erreichen und ihre Leistung kontinuierlich zu verbessern.

Request free consultation

Der ErdkreisTM

Der Erdkreis ist eine spielerische Zielübergabe!

Dieser ergebnisorientierte Beschleuniger wurde entwickelt, um die Zusammenarbeit, Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit zwischen verschiedenen Teams zu fördern.



Stellen Sie Ihre Weichen für eine erfolgreiche Veränderung, indem Sie herausfinden, welche Faktoren Sie zu Ihrem nächsten gewünschten Ziel führen.

Eine Stimme

Rückblick auf Insights

Machen Sie Ihr gesamtes Team zu Change-Makern und machen Sie die Transformation vom ersten Tag an zur Sache aller.

Gewinnen Sie mit OKRTM

Strategie passiert

Überbrücken Sie die Lücke zwischen Unternehmensstrategie und lokalen Prioritäten. Win With OKR™ ist Ihr schneller Weg zu motivierten Teams, die Ihre Strategie jeden Tag in die Realität umsetzen.

Stimmen für den Fortschritt

Lassen Sie uns Ihre umweltfreundlichen und verantwortungsvollen Erfolge mit der Welt teilen.


Brighter Future Challenge

Everything we need to save the planet has already been invented. All we need to do is build bridges and turn our good intentions into great results

When we realised we had discovered how to help teams set beter goals and collaborate more productvely, we decided to focus on helping businesses profit from responsible practices.

We have gamified strategy execution and The Earth Circle is a new initiative where everyone can come together to achieve great things!

Find Out How

If you think of the cost of running such a large organisation – if you can speed up decisions or make sure just 10% of the teams are more focussed on doing the right things, then it’s clear the ROI is pretty immediate.

Alessandro Petazzi

Board Member TUI

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